Words related to category: Ts-Q7 Permission & prohibition Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
ano'osk agree | anool let | anoox like/agree | bu'ił move - a warning | buultk warn | da̱xsmt'aa sit still/obey | dida̱kł punish | gyidel refuse something/someone | gyiwilanool have permission | gyiwilanoolks permission | gyiwilanoolt give permission | hayts'msk boss around | 'nayüüsk secret hiding place | 'ne'en confirm | 'ne'ensk confirmation | sgüü must | sisgwn ḵ'aatsk please | suuna go ahead | ts'aaltii ask permission of | wa'ansk obey | 'wahsaal handle roughly | 'wah la alayat not listen/not accept advice | 'wa̱hwa'ansk disobedient |